Gautham Menon’s upcoming film Yeto Vellipoyindhi Manasu is going to be a treat for music lovers. Ilayaraja is composing the tunes for this romantic film and we hear that the music of this film has voices rendered by Ilayaraja, Yuvan Shankar Raja and another popular singer Karthik. Gautham Menon confirmed the news on Twitter and stated, “Watched spellbound, listened and was lost in happiness as raja sir recorded a song yesterday in his own voice.” It’s been a long time dream of Gautham Menon to work along with Ilayaraja and over the past few days, his tweets about collaborating with Ilarayaraja have been quite emotional. Gautham Menon has the reputation of conceiving great romantic scenes in his film and with Ilayaraja’s music we can only imagine the profound impact it’s going to have on the audience. Nani and Samantha are playing lead roles in the film’s Telugu version. M S Prabhu is the cinematographer. The film will be released in Telugu, Tamil and Hindi in summer this year.
Ilayaraja, Yuvan sing for Yeto Vellipoyindhi Manasu
Published on Feb 29, 2012 10:00 pm IST