Yesterday, news broke out that Mahesh Babu had failed to pay tax for few of his Ads done some years back. The GST Commissionerate Hyderabad attached the bank accounts for a disputed tax demand of Rs 18.5 lakhs claiming Rs 73.5 lakhs towards Tax interest and a penalty for brand ambassador services rendered in FY 2007-08 which was not taxable service. The brand ambassador services were brought in the statute by insertion of section 65(105)(zzzzq) with effect from 1-7-2010.
The legal team of Mahesh says that the GST Commissionerate Hyderabad carried out the attachment without notice when several judicial pronouncements on this issue were in favor of the taxpayer and more so when the dispute is pending before the High Court.
The statement issued by Mahesh and his team said that Mahesh is a law-abiding citizen complying with all fiscal legislation and has no undisputed tax payable.
Official Press Note From Legal Team Of Mahesh Babu
— BARaju (@baraju_SuperHit) December 28, 2018