7 Billionth baby in UP?

Published on Oct 27, 2011 2:00 AM IST

7 Billionth baby in UP?

Published on Oct 27, 2011 2:00 AM IST

Statisticians are predicting that the 7 Billionth baby will be born in Uttar Pradesh on October 31st. That is the day on which the world’s population is expected to cross 7 Billion. While there is no accurate way to identify the baby, statisticians are pretty confident about the date and the state.

India witnesses the highest number of births per minute in the world with about 51 born every minute. Uttar Pradesh occupies the major share in that figure with about 11 births every minute.

The world will see the addition of another 2 billion people by the year 2040 and that will put enormous strain on the food and water resources of the earth. Already, many countries around the world are fighting rising food prices. Will the earth be able to sustain such a large human population? Only time will tell.