Powerstar Pawan Kalyan has once again joined hands with mass director Harish Shankar. Titled Ustaad Bhagat Singh, the film is loosely based on Thalapathy Vijay’s blockbuster Theri. The first glimpse released impressed the fans big time.
The current buzz in the Tollywood film circles suggests that the movie’s shoot has been put on hold temporarily. Pawan Kalyan is currently occupied with his bus tour Varahi Vijaya Yatra, and the talk is that the actor wants to devote more time to politics as there are hardly a few months left for AP Assembly Elections.
Hence the shoot of Ustaad Bhagat Singh will be postponed for a few months. The talk is that Harish Shankar will move on to another project produced by People Media Factory that features Mass Maharaja Ravi Teja in the lead role. However, an official confirmation about the same is yet to come.