Released on November 29 amid unprecedented hype and sky-high expectations, Super Star Rajinikanth and star director Shankar’s sci-fi thriller, 2.0, received a unanimous positive response from fans and critics. On its opening day, 2.0 had collected a share of Rs 12.53 crore in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana.
And on the second day, 2.0 collected another Rs 6.02 crore share in the twin Telugu states, taking its two-day total to Rs 18.55 crores. Although the film is holding decently in the multiplexes and A centres, the B and C centres need to gain some momentum over the weekend considering the high stakes.
Here are 2.0’s areawise two-day collections:
Area | Collections |
Nizam | Rs 7.41 Cr |
Ceded | Rs 2.93 Cr |
Nellore | Rs 0.94 Cr |
Guntur | Rs 1.47 Cr |
Krishna | Rs 1. 06 Cr |
West | Rs 1.04 Cr |
East | Rs 1.45 Cr (incl hires) |
Uttarandhra | Rs 2.43 Cr |
Total day 2-day AP & TG share | Rs 18.73 Cr |