Tollywood’s charming actor Akhil Akkineni recently got engaged to Zainab Ravdjee. Soon after, he quietly began working on his next film (Akhil 6), tentatively titled Lenin. Although the title is yet to be confirmed, the project has already become a hot topic.
The filmmakers have been working on the project discreetly, and the latest update is that shooting has officially begun at Ramoji Film City, Hyderabad. More details are expected to be revealed soon.
Sreeleela stars opposite Akhil as the female lead in this film, directed by Murali Kishore Abburu, known for his work on Vinaro Bhagyamu Vishnu Katha. The movie is being produced by Annapurna Studios in collaboration with Sithara Entertainments, with music composed by Thaman. Stay tuned for further updates.