Actress Alia Bhatt, currently working on her upcoming film Alpha, set for release on December 25, 2025, faced a setback with her recent movie, Jigra. Directed by Vasan Bala, the film failed to resonate with audiences and struggled at the box office.
The movie has now made its way to Netflix, streaming in both Hindi and Telugu, aiming to reach a wider audience. While its theatrical run was disappointing, its reception on OTT platforms remains to be seen.
Jigra stars Alia Bhatt alongside Vedang Raina, Manoj Pahwa, Aditya Nanda, Sobhita Dhulipala, Akansha Ranjan Kapoor, Jason Shah, Rahul Ravindran, and Radhika Madan. It is jointly produced by Dharma Productions and Eternal Sunshine Productions.