King Nagarjuna’s last outing is The Ghost, directed by Praveen Sattaru. The actor will next feature in the movie that will be directed by Prasanna Kumar, writer of Ravi Teja’s blockbuster Dhamaka. The project is touted to be a period drama.
Many rumors have been making rounds on social media for a while that young actor Allari Naresh will be essaying an important role in this flick. The rumors have spread like wildfire, and today, at the teaser launch event of Allari Naresh’s Ugram, the actor was asked about the same.
Naresh said it is true that the makers had approached him for a role but added that he is yet to sign the film. Naresh added that he heard the script recently and is still in discussions with the team. The young actor said the production house would give an official update if he signs the project.