The eagerly awaited theatrical trailer for Ravi Teja and Sreenu Vaitla’s upcoming action comedy entertainer, Amar Akbar Anthony, was released at the film’s pre-release event last night. As expected, the trailer is high on entertainment in typical Sreenu Vaitla style.
However, the striking part about AAA’s trailer is the intriguing plot involving Amar, Akbar and Anthony, the three different avatars of the Mass Maharaj. The trailer doesn’t reveal much about the film’s story. The splendid visuals of America and the comedy generated by Ravi Teja himself along with heroine Ileana, Sunil, Satya and Vennela Kishore will make for a prefect viewing experience.
Mythri Movie Makers banner has bankrolled the film with a high budget. Thaman has scored the music. AAA is slated for release on November 16.