Ever since the tragic passing of Bollywood star Sushant Singh Rajput, star Bollywood filmmaker Karan Johar has been facing a lot of backlash from Sushant’s fans. Karan has been blamed for favouring nepotism and star kids and ‘killing’ Sushant’s career. He was even named as one of the masterminds who abetted Sushant’s demise.
Now, amid the intense nepotism debate on social media, Karan turned author once again and announced a children’s book, titled ‘The Big Thoughts of Little Luv’. The book is inspired by his twin kids, Yash and Roohi, is based on the story of the twins Luv and Kush. Needless to say, the book and Karan have been at the receiving end, as netizens began trolling and abusing the filmmaker for bringing his children into limelight.
It’s well known that Karan Johar turned father to his twins, Yash and Roohi, in February, 2017, through surrogacy.