Arjun Kapoor shares his chat message with Sushanth Singh

Published on Jun 15, 2020 1:00 PM IST

Arjun Kapoor shares his chat message with Sushanth Singh

Published on Jun 15, 2020 1:00 PM IST

So much is coming out about Sushanth Singh Rajput in the last few hours. Many are shocked to know that he was battling depression which was quite surprising.

Today, Arjun Kapoor shares a chat message with Sushanth which he did sometime back in 2018. In this chat, Arjunh is seen encouraging Sushanth to hang in there and take one film at a time.

Looks like in the chat that is not pasted, Sushanth has spoken about his dull times and Arjun has been encouraging him. This chat shows that Sushanth was having career-based issues from the last few years.