B Nagireddy Memorial Award for Pellichoopulu producer

Published on Mar 19, 2017 6:56 PM IST

B Nagireddy Memorial Award for Pellichoopulu producer

Published on Mar 19, 2017 6:56 PM IST

Noted producer Raj Kandukuri​, the man behind the blockbuster romantic family entertainer Pellichoopulu, has been chosen for the coveted B Nagireddy Memorial Award for the year 2016. This prestigious award will be presented to Raj Kandukuri on the 16th of April in Rajahmundry.

B Nagireddy’s son and the head honcho of the legendary film production house Vijaya Vauhini Studios B Venkataramireddy had instituted this award 6 years ago. Producers who make films with family values are honored with the award every year.