The Telugu movie Bachchala Malli, starring Allari Naresh and Amritha Aiyer, has made its OTT debut on Amazon Prime Video. Directed by Subbu Mangadevi, the film is now available for streaming starting today.
Alongside, the movie is also available for streaming on ETV Win, and Sun NXT to reach more audiences. Despite its lukewarm reception in theaters, the film has a second chance to connect with audiences on the digital platform.
The cast also includes Rao Ramesh, Rohini, Harsha Chemudu, Achyuth Kumar, Balagam Jayaram, Hari Teja, and Praveen in key supporting roles.
Produced by Hasya Movies, the film features music composed by Vishal Chandrashekhar. Will Bachchala Malli find its audience on OTT? Only time will tell.