Released in August, 2017, young actors Bellamkonda Sai and Rakul Preet Singh’s action entertainer, Jaya Janaki Nayaka, had a decent run at the box-office. This Boyapati Srinu directorial was dubbed in Hindi as Khoonkhar and released on YouTube in February, 2019.
Now, Khoonkhar has clocked a whopping 300 million plus views on YouTube, becoming the second Indian film, after Boyapati Srinu-Allu Arjun’s Sarrainodu, to amass over 300M views. JJN also featured Jagapathi Babu and Catherine Tresa in lead roles. DSP composed the music for this Miryala Ravinder Reddy production.
Bellamkonda Sai’s action entertainers are a hotcake in the North Indian circuit. His Kavacham (Inspector Vijay) was viewed over 206M times on YouTube, while Alludu Seenu (Mahaabali) clocked 103M views. Bellamkonda Sai’s upcoming film is the out-and-out mass entertainer, Alludu Adhurs, under Santosh Srinivas’ direction.