Brazilian model turned actress Izabelle Leite is all set to make her debut in Telugu cinema. She will be seen in Akhil’s upcoming film Mr. Majnu. Although Niddhi Agrewal is playing the lead role, the film will also feature several other actresses including Izabelle since Akhil is playing a Playboy.
In the past, Izabelle had signed a film to be directed by Jayanth C Paranjee; however, it was kept on hold for a long time. Later, the director revived the project and announced that he is making another film titled Narendra with Nilesh and Izabelle playing lead roles, but even that film hasn’t been completed yet.
Directed by Venky Atluri, Mr Majnu is Akhil’s third film as a lead actor. Thaman is scoring the music. Most part of the film has been shot in England and India.