Gangster action drama Animal, starring Bollywood star hero Ranbir Kapoor, is directed by Sandeep Reddy Vanga. The movie will grace the big screens on 1st December. The pre-teaser released by the team has received a solid response from audiences and fans.
Particularly, fans were in awe with the way Sandeep Reddy Vanga showcased Ranbir in the pre-teaser. The latest buzz in Bollywood film circles is that the film’s teaser might come out on 28th September, which happens to be Ranbir Kapoor’s birthday. Currently, the film is in the post-production stage.
National Crush Rashmika Mandanna is the female lead. Anil Kapoor and Bobby Deol are also playing significant roles in this movie, which is a joint production venture of T-Series and Bhadrakali Pictures banners. The movie, originally shot in Hindi, will also release in Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam, and Kannada languages.