The Movie Artistes’ Association (MAA) President and senior actor Shivaji Raja said that two wings of MAA’s new building will be named after Megastar Chiranjeevi and Superstar Mahesh Babu for their invaluable contribution. Speaking at an event to announce details about the MAA’s silver jubilee celebrations in the US, Shivaji Raja thanked all the actors who have been standing as the pillars of the association.
“A US sponsor who’s contributing a huge amount towards MAA new building wanted Chiranjeevi’s presence. Even though Chiranjeevi is busy with Sye Raa, he readily agreed to take part in the events. Also, Mahesh Babu said yes to participate in the event even before we requested his presence. MAA will forever be grateful to both these actors,” said Shivaji Raja.
The MAA President further thanked senior stars like Balakrishna, Mohan Babu, Nagarjuna, Venkatesh and several others for their unconditional support.