Digital Cinema Prohibition: Just A Rumor!

Published on Oct 16, 2012 8:20 AM IST

Digital Cinema Prohibition: Just A Rumor!

Published on Oct 16, 2012 8:20 AM IST

News reports surfaced recently bringing fear among fans and budding directors alike that digital movie production would not be allowed anymore in TFI. However, no such move is being considered. Telugu directors association representative Maddineni Ramesh said “There is no fact in the rumors that digital movie production will be banned”.

He spoke at a media event organized in Hyderabad on Tuesday. “Some young directors are using digital technology to bring movies to the screen. Collections for such movies are low. However, a recent demand surfaced from the workers union that a certain number of workers must be used whether they are needed or not and a report regarding this has been filed. The members met and together we decided that no such restriction should apply on movies. Even the Employees Federation agreed to this ruling. The directors are free to chose how many ever members they want for each movie, but the requirement is that the chosen workers must belong to the worker’s union”.

Sanity has prevailed and a good decision has been taken by the industry to allow small film makers to survive