As he is gearing up to release his upcoming campus film, Kerintha, popular filmmaker Dil Raju interacted with the media. In a candid interview, Dil Raju said that he has certain strategies to improve the conditions of filmmaking and exuded confidence of reviving the producers’ legacy in the industry, if all the producers unite.
Dil Raju also talked about the newly formed Associated Producers Telugu (APT) and clarified that the producer’s syndicate was formed to provide a cost-effective filmmaking platform to the small producers and not for any personal gains. The hotshot producer also said that no force can hinder the release or the success of any film which finds patronage from the audiences.
Directed by Sai Kiran Adivi, Kerintha will be releasing big on the 12th of June. Sumanth Ashwin, Sri Divya, Tejaswi etc are essaying important roles in the film.