Arava Manikanta (23) and Thokada Charan (22), two young fans of actor Ram Charan, tragically lost their lives in a bike accident while returning from the Game Changer pre-release event last week. The victims hailed from Gaigolupadu in Kakinada. Condoling his fans’ deaths, Ram Charan announced financial assistance of Rs 5 lakh each to the victims’ families.
Today, several members of Ram Charan’s fans association visited the victims’ families and handed over the financial aid announced by Ram Charan through RTGS. In a touching gesture, fans also assured the grieving families of all possible assistance as they navigate through this tragedy.
Apart from Ram Charan, Game Changer producer Dil Raju and Andhra Pradesh Deputy CM Pawan Kalyan also announced financial assistance of Rs 5 lakh to the family members of the deceased fans.