Bollywood actress Kiara Advani, who stars alongside Global Star Ram Charan in the much-awaited political drama Game Changer, has been making headlines ahead of the film’s release on January 10, 2025.
Directed by Shankar Shanmugam, the movie’s pre-release event took place yesterday in Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh, with Pawan Kalyan and the entire team in attendance. However, Kiara’s absence sparked speculation.
Rumours suggested that the actress was hospitalised, but her spokesperson has clarified the situation. Kiara has been relentlessly promoting Game Changer at various events, which has taken a toll on her health. She is currently resting and recuperating but has not been hospitalised.
Fans are sending their best wishes for her speedy recovery and are eager to see her return to promote the film soon. Stay tuned for more updates.