Good news: Telugu film shootings to commence from this date

Published on Aug 23, 2022 9:02 PM IST

Good news: Telugu film shootings to commence from this date

Published on Aug 23, 2022 9:02 PM IST

As known to all there has been a temporary halt in film shootings to discuss the ongoing issues like OTT release, ticket prices, and workers’ daily wage rates in the cinema industry. This decision was supported by all the producers as well.

Now the latest news is that the film chamber has taken the decision to allow for the shootings from 1st September. Also, it is said that if there are any emergencies they can apply to the film chamber from 25th August and get the prior permissions for shooting.

The main VPF issue has been resolved and there wouldn’t be any VPF charges from September 2nd. Also, the ticket rates and prices for food and beverages would be fixed reasonably. For big-budget films, there would be slab-based rates.

Still, there are a few things that need to be addressed as per the news and they are also expected to resolve soon. The committee will once again give the updates on 30th August after all the review meetings.