With Rajinikanth’s Petta being confirmed for Sankranthi release, Tollywood and Kollywood movie lovers are in for an exciting clash at the box-office. Although several movies clashing at once will impact their collections, there is a slightly healthy gap between all the Sankranthi releases and this may help each film register decent openings.
The Sankranthi festive season begins with Balakrishna’s NTR Kathanayakudu, which will hit theaters on January 9. As per the latest buzz in Kollywood circles, Rajini’s Petta may be released on Jan 10. And then, F2 is slated for release on January 12, followed by Ajith’s Viswasam on Jan 15 tentatively.
On the other hand, the exact date of release for Ram Charan’s Vinaya Vidheya Rama is yet to be announced. All the movies belong to completely different genres, and it remains to be seen which film will eventually be the Sankranthi winner.