Around a month ago, film circles were abuzz with the news that Balakrishna and Kalyanram will be teaming up for the Telugu remake of Tamil hit, ‘Jilla’. Several reports also said that Venkatesh and Raviteja may also team up for this multistarrer. Finally, pushing aside all the reports, the film is now being dubbed into Telugu.
Released as a Pongal attraction last year, ‘Jilla’ has Vijay and Mohanlal teaming up and the film was directed by Neason. ‘Jilla’ stood as a Pongal winner and made huge profits for its makers and distributors. Few scenes featuring Brahmanandam, LB Sriram and Surekhavani were shot recently to suit the Telugu audiences.
The film has Kajal Aggarwal playing the female lead and the Telugu version will release soon. Senior producer RB Chowdary presents the film and Kumar Reddy is the producer.