After her recent appearance in the Telugu film Satyabhama, star actress Kajal Aggarwal has several major projects lined up, including Indian 3, Sikandar, and Kannappa. Today, she added a new Bollywood venture to her filmography: The India Story.
Directed by Chetan DK, the project began shooting today. Shreyas Talpade, who portrayed Atal Bihari Vajpayee in Kangana Ranaut’s Emergency and dubbed for Allu Arjun’s Pushpa 2, plays the lead role in this gripping drama.
The film, which delves into the dark side of pesticide scandals, is written by Sagar B. Shinde, who also serves as the producer. The India Story is set to release on August 15, 2025, with more details about the project to be revealed soon.