Mega Prince Varun Tej, who is set to marry actress Lavanya Tripathi, will next be seen in a Telugu-Hindi bilingual action drama directed by debutant Shakti Pratap Singh. Tentatively titled VT 13, the movie is currently in production.
Today, the makers announced that they have locked in a perfect title for the film that showcases the indomitable spirit of our heroes on the frontlines and the challenges they face as they fight one of the biggest and fiercest aerial attacks that India has ever seen. They also mentioned that the title will be announced very soon.
Inspired by true events, India’s biggest airforce action film will feature Varun Tej as an IAF officer. Former Miss Universe Manushi Chhillar, the leading lady in the movie, will play the role of a radar officer.
The movie is written by Shakti Pratap Singh Hada, Aamir Khan, and Siddharth Raj Kumar. It is produced on a large scale by Sony Pictures International Productions and Sandeep Mudda from Renaissance Pictures, and co-produced by Nandakumar Abbineni and God Bless Entertainment. The movie will be released worldwide later this year.