Hero Mahesh Babu has been drenched in unlimited wishes on his birthday yesterday. Last night, Mahesh took to Twitter and thanked all the stars who wished him from across the country. Keerthy Suresh, Mahesh’s heroine in his highly-anticipated Sankranthi entertainer, Sarkaru Vaari Paata, was one of the many celebs who extended their heartfelt wishes.
In her tweet, Keerthy called Mahesh an inspiration both on and off screen. And in his response, Mahesh tweeted, “Thank you ‘Kalavathi’, thereby revealing that Keerthy’s character’s name in SVP is Kalavathi. Their pairing looked fresh and fans are already waiting for the film to hit screens.
Thank you, 'Kalavathi' 🙂
— Mahesh Babu (@urstrulyMahesh) August 9, 2021