Earlier we reported that Vijay Deverakonda met the Maratha Mandir owner Manoj Desai who called him arrogant by misinterpreting his statements about the boycott gang. The latest news is that Manoj Desai has apologized to the actor.
He said that he has said sorry only to two actors Vijay Deverakonda and Amitabh Bachchan. The owner further said that Vijay was such a nice guy who will be down to earth and added that the actor will have a bright future ahead. Manoj Desai went on to say that he will take all his best films and wished him the best.
Manoj Desai also mentioned that Vijay thinks about the entire team of his films. Vijay Deverakonda clarified that he not only respects his audience but will love them from whom he has emerged. Vijay further stated he will make films for them.
*“I’ve only said sorry to 2 actors – Amitabh Bachchan & now Vijay Deverakonda” says theatre owner Manoj Desai over misunderstood statement of #Liger star #VijayDevarakonda.
*When I met Vijay I realised he thinks about the entire team of his films” says Manoj Desai pic.twitter.com/XB2qXDy6r6
— Ashwani kumar (@BorntobeAshwani) August 28, 2022