Mega Prince Varun Tej will be next seen in the Telugu-Hindi bilingual Operation Valentine. The makers kickstarted the promotions, and the first single was launched yesterday. Tomorrow marks the birthday of the talented actor.
To celebrate the special occasion and to take the hype around the film to the next level, the team erected a massive 126-feet cut-out of Varun Tej on Vijayawada-Hyderabad highway, Suryapet. It will be launched tomorrow at 11 AM. Last year, Megastar Chiranjeevi’s cut-out was also placed at the same location for the promotions of Bholaa Shankar.
The team of Operation Valentine has come up with the right plan to grab the audience’s attention. Directed by Shakti Pratap Singh Hada, the movie has Manushi Chhillar as the female lead. Operation Valentine will hit the big screens on 9th February.