Despite receiving mixed reviews, Mahesh Babu’s latest outing , Guntur Kaaram, continues to shine at the box office, having amassed over Rs. 200 crores globally. Today, producer Naga Vamsi gracefully addressed the film’s performance in a press meet.
During the event, Vamsi remarked, “Many labeled the film as Mahesh Babu’s ‘one man show.’ However, let’s not forget the creative brilliance of Trivikram, who brought out the best in him. It’s truly a ‘two-men show’ that delivered their utmost for the film.”
To recall, some people criticized Trivikram Srinivas for the film’s mixed reviews, and they believe that Naga Vamsi addressed the media to support the director.
Guntur Kaaram features the talented Sreeleela and Meenakshi Chaudhary as the leading ladies, with Ramya Krishnan, Prakash Raj, Easwari Rao, Vennela Kishore, and others playing pivotal roles. This cinematic venture, backed by Haarika & Hassine Creations, boasts the melodious tunes of Thaman.