No more smoking in Telugu films?

Published on Nov 28, 2011 8:45 AM IST

No more smoking in Telugu films?

Published on Nov 28, 2011 8:45 AM IST

The scenes of a dashing young hero puffing away stylishly on a cigarette might soon be a thing of the past, with the new regulations enforced by the Censor Board.

If there are smoking scenes in a movie, the new regulations make life difficult for the movie’s production team during the censor  certification process. For a start, the movie will not be given a clean U certificate even if there is no other objectionable content. The hero will be required to deliver a special “Smoking is harmful” message at the beginning and during the interval break of the movie.

The production team would also be required to give a very strong justification for the presence of the scene in the movie.

The movie industry was quick to raise its voice in protest against these new regulations. Several leading producers from the industry are planning to seek legal intervention in the matter.

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