Noted heroine walks out of Karthikeya 2?

Published on Jun 4, 2020 11:05 PM IST

Noted heroine walks out of Karthikeya 2?

Published on Jun 4, 2020 11:05 PM IST

Karthikeya 2 is one of the most prestigious projects for Nikhil and Chandoo Mondeti. The sequel will start rolling very soon and Anupama Parameswaran was supposed to do the female lead’s role.

The talk now coming in from the film circles is that Anupama has walked out of the project for reasons unknown. Swathi is also a part of this film and we need to see as to what will the makers and Chandoo Moedti, the director do now.

Nikhil also has yet another project in the form os 18 Pages and he will also shoot for that film along with Karthikeya 2.