Puri Jagannadh has finally announced that he’s not going to make a sequel to Mahesh Babu, Kajal starrer Businessman. Earlier this year, when Businessman turned out to be a blockbuster, both Mahesh Babu and Puri Jagannadh were so excited that they announced that they would team up once again for a sequel to Businessman. However, Puri Jagannadh has told a leading Telugu newsdaily that he’s not making a sequel; however, he added that he’s going to write a new story keeping Mahesh Babu in mind. Currently, he’s shooting Pawan Kalyan’s Cameraman Ganga Tho Rambabu and after that he’s likely to start a film with Allu Arjun in lead role. This means that his film with Mahesh Babu might take off in 2013. Meanwhile, his next film Devudu Chesina Manushulu starring Ravi Teja and Ileana is going to hit the screens on August 15.