When Pushpa 1 was released, the Hindi audience lapped it up like their own film and showered unlimited love on Allu Arjun. The Tollywood actor created a sensation with his magical performance and struck a chord with the rural Hindi audience. The result is now being witnessed with the openings of Pushpa 2.
On the expected lines, the film is off to a sensational start at the North Indian box office, registering housefulls in many centers. The opening is on par with Bollywood Baadshah Shah Rukh Khan’s Jawan, and this shows the kind of rampage the film is creating there.
The latest development is that several midnight shows (11.55 pm / 11.59 pm) are being added in key centers like Mumbai, Thane, Pune, Ahmedabad, Delhi, and Kolkata due to the unprecedented demand. What’s surprising is these shows are reporting sold outs within minutes. As the initial reports are positive, we can expect a box office typhoon in the coming days.