Pushpa 2, headlined by Allu Arjun, is smashing the box office globally. The movie, directed by Sukumar, is on track to earn around Rs. 700 crores gross in its extended first weekend. The movie had special premieres in India a day before its full-fledged release. There is a dialogue in the film’s opening sequence where Allu Arjun refers to himself as “Boss.”
However, fans of a star actor and members of a political party created imaginary and self-written dialogues from the opening sequence. The hatemongers circulated them on social media and tried to make the public believe that those imaginary dialogues were indirect references to a legendary Tollywood actor.
The production house has become serious about the negative propaganda against the film and has asked hatemongers not to indulge in such demeaning acts. The team made it clear that stringent legal action would be taken against anyone who tried to portray the movie’s dialogues in the wrong manner. Movie lovers are opining that taking immediate and severe action on hatemongers would prevent such things in the future.
Imaginary, self-written dialogues are being circulated on social media and are being tagged saying these are dialogues from #Pushpa2
This is being done by few people to propagate negative propaganda against the film.
Kindly do not indulge in such demeaning acts. Refrain from…
— Mythri Movie Makers (@MythriOfficial) December 6, 2024