The theatrical trailer of Ram Charan’s Game Changer was launched a while ago, and fans are on cloud nine with this phenomenal trailer, which promises unlimited entertainment and action. Every frame looks superb on the screen, and every penny spent by Dil Raju is visible.
The cast and crew, including Shankar, Ram Charan, and Anjali,
attended the trailer launch event, and SS Rajamouli was the chief guest. The maverick Tollywood director gave a big statement about Shankar which is now going viral. Rajamouli called Shankar the OG of directors and added that the latter showed the way to dream big and make big-ticket entertainers.
Rajamouli added, “People appreciate us for making visual spectacles, but Shankar Garu was the one who gave us confidence to attempt projects involving huge budgets. He instilled confidence in filmmakers like me, and hence, I am taking this opportunity to thank him.”