Ever since the official announcement of Tamil star hero-director duo Vijay and Atlee’s third film, there have been several speculations about young actress Rashmika Mandanna playing a crucial role in the film. Even after the makers announced that Nayanthara will play the leading lady in their film, Rashmika’s fans continued to ask her on social media if she was still part of the movie.
Finally, Rashmika has put an end to all the speculations. She took to Twitter just a while ago and said that she is not going to be part of Vijay-Atlee film. However, Rashmika assured her fans that she will make her debut in Kollywood soon and thanked them for their continued support.
In Telugu, Rashmika will next be seen in Vijay Deverakonda’s Dear Comrade. The film will hit theaters in the second half of 2019.
🙈🙈❤️❤️ pic.twitter.com/gwk1R28th9
— Rashmika Mandanna (@iamRashmika) November 27, 2018