Actor Sharwanand will tie the knot with his lady love Rakshita Reddy in an intimate yet colorful ceremony tomorrow (June 3) at Leela Palace in Jaipur, Rajasthan. Several popular film stars and close friends and relatives of the bride and groom will be gracing the auspicious occasion to bless the newlyweds. Meanwhile, the pre-wedding celebrations are in full swing at the moment.
The Haldi ceremony was held earlier today in the presence of family members and friends. In a video that is doing the rounds on the internet, Sharwa, who is drenched in Haldi water, is seen having a great time by applying Haldi to his relatives and friends. Later, Sharwa was even pushed into a pool. The Pellikoduku rituals, Sangeet ceremony and Mehendi festivities will follow tonight. The wedding will take place at 11 am tomorrow.
Sharwanand and Rakshita Reddy got engaged in January. Sharwa’s close friends from the film industry, Ram Charan, Akhil Akkineni, Rana Daggubati, Aditi Rao Hydari, and others graced the memorable occasion. Rakshita Reddy is an IT professional in the USA. Her father Madhusudhan Reddy is a lawyer in Andhra Pradesh High Court and her grandfather Bojjala Gopala Krishna Reddy is a famous politician.