Veteran lyricist Sirivennela Sitarama Sastry’s son Shankar has signed a new Telugu film after a long time. Few years ago, he had acted in Keka, a film directed by Teja and now, he is going to play one of the lead roles in a film titled Telugu Baasha Lo Naaku Nachani Padam Prema. The film also stars Shakti Vasudevan, who happens to be director P Vasu’s son, and Poorna (Avunu and Seema Tapakai fame), in lead roles. The film was launched earlier today in Hyderabad.
Vasundhara Das clapped the soundboard and the first shot was canned on the three lead actors in the film. Sirivennela Sitirama Sastry and P Vasu graced the opening ceremony. Raghava is directing the film and it’s being produced by Narayana Babu, Poornima Narayan and Vasan SS under Apple Blossom Creations Pvt Ltd banner. Mani Sharma is scoring the music and PKH Das is the camerman.