“SOLO – A Solid Love Challenge SMS Contest”

Published on Nov 15, 2011 8:05 PM IST

“SOLO – A Solid Love Challenge SMS Contest”

Published on Nov 15, 2011 8:05 PM IST


Love is an eternal feeling that God has given to all living beings. Great lovers exist on the earth and so do great love stories. Behind every great love story there is great pain and struggle. Lovers may sacrifice even their lives but they make their “LOVE” eternal. For generations lovers have fought many obstacles and created wonderful love stories on their names. We may know only few such great stories through novels, movies etc. but there are a lot of love stories which exist in and around us and most of them are never told. SOLO – Solid Love Challenge is meant to explore those great love stories and pay tribute to all those successful and great love stories which have immensely added value to the greatness of “LOVE”.

Contest Details:
Enthusiastic participants (couples) need to send correct answer to the question in prescribed format as mentioned below to ‘58585’. 6 lucky couples will be selected in each city for preliminary rounds.

Q) SOLO ante?

A. Nemmadi
B. Ontari
C. Oka gadamaina prema katha

If you option is A then send your sms to 5499989 in the following format

And send it to 5499989

Eligibility: Married Couples (both Love & Arranged), Couples yet to marry, Couples in LOVE. Age limit: 18 to 60years
No. of Participants: 6 Couples will participate in preliminary round conducted in 5 towns of AP.

Venue and Dates:
Hyderabad: 15th November, 2011 at Maneesha Gardens, ECIL Road, S.P Nagar, Maula Ali.
Warangal: 17th November, 2011 at
Tirupati: 19th November, 2011 at
Vijayawada: 21st November, 2011 at
Vishakhapatnam: 24th November, 2011 at
Grand finale will be conducted in ‘VIZAG’ on the same day of the preliminary round executed.

Selection Rounds: 4 rounds will be conducted among the participants and top scoring couple will be qualified for Grand finale.

Grand Finale: 5 couple winners from preliminary rounds will participate in grand finale. Among the final participants top scoring couple will emerge as SOLO – Solid Love Challenge winners

Gifts for Participants: Assured gifts to all participants, Surprise gifts to Preliminary round winners, Exciting gifts to the Grand finale participants and Bumper Prizes along with an opportunity to watch movie with Movie stars & crew to Grand finale winners.

Associates: Glads Media, Mahaa TV, RED FM, Kalamandir, 123telugu.com etc.

Want see your love quotient:
Click here for Solo’s Facebook page

For Contact: