Megastar Chiranjeevi recently announced a film with Dasara director Srikanth Odela. It has been the long-standing wish of fans to see Megastar collaborate with a new-age filmmaker, and finally, their prayers were heard. Producer Sudhakar Cherukuri revealed that the movie will be set against the period backdrop. In a recent interview, Srikanth Odela made some interesting comments about the project.
He said, “I grew up watching Chiranjeevi Garu’s films. I just cannot believe that I will be working with him. It will be a different outing. You won’t see the vintage Megastar. Instead, you will see him in an age-appropriate and fresh role. My uncle would only take me to Chiranjeevi Garu’s films. I developed a passion for cinema only because of Megastar.”
Srikanth added, “That said, I am a fan only until Chiranjeevi Garu steps out of his caravan. Once he does, he becomes a character in my film. We finalized the script within 48 hours. Chiranjeevi Garu’s enthusiasm was truly motivating. I was on cloud nine during this whole process.” After completing ‘The Paradise’ with Nani, Srikanth Odela will start working on Chiru’s film.