Srikanth Odela, the talented director behind the sensational hit Dasara starring Nani, is making waves in the film industry. Currently, he is doing a movie with Nani once again for his second project, The Paradise, a film rumoured to be even more intense and violent than his first.
Now, an exciting buzz is taking over social media about his third project. According to the latest rumors, Srikanth, a devoted fan of Megastar Chiranjeevi, recently narrated a story to the legendary actor. Reportedly, Chiranjeevi has given his nod to the project, marking a dream come true for the young director. If this news is true, it’s a remarkable opportunity for Srikanth to work with his idol so early in his career.
Speculations are also rife about which production house might back this ambitious project, but official confirmation is still awaited. Fans are eagerly anticipating an announcement from either Srikanth Odela or Chiranjeevi. Stay tuned for more updates.