PAN Indian film Brahmastra stars Ranbir Kapoor and Alia in lead roles. As the pre-release event in RFC, Hyderabad was cancelled, a press conference was held by the movie team. Speaking at the event Rajamouli said that they planned a big firework moment at the event as soon as NTR makes a thigh slap just like the Ranbir’s character in the film.
Rajamouli stated that even though there is a lot of difference between the films made by him and Karan, the passion and love that Karan has towards cinema is something that he likes about him. The ace director recollected the moment when Karan said he was attempting Bramhastra five years back.
Also, Rajamouli mentioned his childhood fantasy when he used to write the astras’ names on arrows while playing. Rajamouli said that his memories came alive when Ayan Mukerji narrated the story. Rajamouli praised the director’s efforts in coming up with an astraverse, and also for his visualization.
Rajamouli added that Bramhastra will speak about the superheroes and superpowers of our history, culture, tradition, and everything. Rajamouli mentioned that he saw himself in Ayan as the director was tense with the pending works at this penultimate stage.
Rajamouli also shared the cute moment when Tarak was singing Ranbir’s Rockstar song when they were all in Mumbai together for RRR promotions. The film releases on 9th September.