Tamannaah had wrapped up shooting for her upcoming horror comedy, Devi 2. The film, directed by AL Vijay, is the sequel to Devi which released in 2016, and the sequel stars Tamannaah, Prabhu Deva, Nandita Sweta among many others.
For the past few weeks, the cast and crew were in Mauritius for the film’s shoot, and soon after wrapping up her part in the film, the actress thanked the whole unit for their support. The crew even threw a farewell party on the last day of the shoot for Tamannaah, and during the party, AL Vijay said, “I can confidently say that Tamannaah’s performance in Devi 2 is the best in her career.” Needless to say, Tamannaah was thrilled to hear these compliments from the director.
Tamannaah has a bunch of films lined up for release in Telugu, Tamil, and Hindi. She has That Is Mahalakshmi lined up for release soon, and she has to wrap up shooting for Anil Ravipudi’s F2 and Sye Raa Narasimha Reddy.