Yesterday, Tamil star Vishal unveiled the first look poster for his upcoming film, Ayogya, the official remake of NTR’s Temper. The poster features Vishal holding a beer bottle, and this landed Vishal in a fresh controversy.
Pattali Makkal Katchi (PMK) leader Ramadoss has criticised Ayogya’s first look poster. “The first look poster showing actor Vishal holding beer bottle should be withdrawn immediately. What is the actor trying to tell his fans through this poster? I expect some social responsibility from the Secretary of Nadigar Sangam. I had earlier written to Vishal about banning scenes that show smoking, but now, I see him holding beer bottles,” Ramadoss said.
Ayogya, directed by debutant Mohan, is being produced by B Madhu. The film is slated to hit screens during the upcoming Sankranthi season. Raashi Khanna is the leading lady in the film.