Middle Class Abbayi (MCA), the Nani, Sai Pallavi and Bhumika-starrer emotional action entertainer, released yesterday amid a huge positive buzz. Thanks to the ever growing craze for Nani’s movies of late, the film has had a humongous start at the box-offices in the twin Telugu states and in overseas.
As per the latest updates, on day one, MCA collected a whopping 15 crore gross worldwide and Rs.7.7 crore share from nearly Rs. 11 crore gross in the Telugu states. These are career best opening day collections for Nani and with a huge margin.
Following are MCA’s day 1 AP/Telangana collections:
Collection |
Nizam | 3,09,00,000 |
Ceded | 1,30,00,000 |
Uttarandhra | 93,39,227 |
West | 45,00,000 |
East |
56,43,6 13
Krishna | 46,77,660 |
Guntur | 68,65,063 |
Nellore | 20,40,360 |