The makers of Tollywood actor Nani’s upcoming thriller, HIT 3, wrapped up the Kashmir schedule a few days ago. As per the latest updates, a tragic death of a young woman crew member named Ms. Krishna KR has left the entire unit in utter grief.
Krishna KR was working on HIT 3 as an assistant to the film’s Director of Photography, Sanu John Varughese. She was admitted to the Srinagar Government Medical College Hospital on December 23 after being diagnosed with a chest infection. Krishna KR was reportedly recovering and could also communicate with her family members over the phone. However, on Monday morning, just hours before she was scheduled to be shifted to the general ward, Krishna tragically lost her life due to a cardiac arrest.
Krishna’s funeral will be held in her native place in Perumbavoor, Kerala. Movie lovers and the film fraternity are distraught over the loss of a talented technician at such a young age.