The biggest clash in Indian film history is about to happen in a couple of weeks. Bollywood Badshah Shah Rukh Khan is coming up with a social comedy film, Dunki, directed by Rajkumar Hirani. On the other hand, Prabhas starrer Salaar is an out-and-out mass entertainer directed by Prashanth Neel.
The USA advance bookings commenced for Salaar in November itself, and till now, the movie has registered around 470K dollars from its pre-sales for the premiers. Salaar has sold around 18000 tickets as of now, thanks to the mass image of Prabhas and the following of Prashanth Neel. Among non-Rajamouli films, Agnyathavasi holds the record for the USA premieres (1.5 million dollars), and Salaar is on track to break this existing record.
The USA bookings of Dunki are off to a superb start. Within 24 hours of the commencement of advances, the SRK starrer minted around 28K dollars and sold 2000 tickets for its opening day (Note: Hindi films generally won’t have premiers). The ticket prices of Dunki are relatively lower than Salaar.
Salaar will take the biggest opening in the USA without an iota of doubt, but at the same time, we can’t write off Shah Rukh Khan, who is hailed as the King Of Overseas. Out of the top five grossers of Indian cinema in the USA, two films belong to Shah Rukh Khan. These facts make the clash even more interesting. Now it all boils down to the content, and let’s see what happens.