Vijay and Amala Paul starrer Thalaiva is going to be dubbed in Telugu and the title has been confirmed as Anna-Born to Lead. A L Vijay, who had earlier directed Madharasapattinam, Thaandavam, has directed this film. Anna is being touted as a high voltage action entertainer and it is going to be the one of the biggest release ever for a Tamil film. The makers are planning to release the Tamil version in nearly 2500 screens whereas the Telugu version is going to be released in close to 250 screens. Kasi Vishwanadham is producing the Telugu version under Lakshmi Narasimha Visuals and 3K Entertainment is going to distribute the film. GV Prakash has scored the music. The film is expected to hit the screens on August 9.
Vijay, Amala Paul starrer Thalaiva to be dubbed in Telugu
Published on Jul 29, 2013 11:50 pm IST