Sandalwood star Yash is currently working on the highly anticipated pan-India crime drama, Toxic. The actor will be celebrating his birthday on January 8. And ahead of this special occasion, the KGF star took to Instagram this evening and made an earnest appeal to his fans.
Yash told his fans that “as the new year dawns, it’s a time for reflection, resolutions, and charting a new course. Indirectly referring to the tragic death of his fans while erecting his banners during his birthday in January this year, Yash told his fans that it’s time to change the language of love, especially when it comes to the celebration of his birthday. “The expression of your love should not be in grand gestures and gatherings. The greatest gift for me is knowing you are safe, setting positive examples, achieving your goals, and spreading joy,” the Rocking Star wrote in the post.
Yash went on to write that he will be busy shooting and will not be in town on his birthday. “The warmth of your wishes will always reach me and be my constant companion, fueling my spirit and inspiring me,” Yash wrote, concluding his post by urging all his fans to stay safe and wishing them a very happy 2025.